

I’m an art historian and picture dealer, with a love of everything up to 1830 and much afterwards. This site will be a place to discuss my paintings that I’m working on at the moment, and to think out-loud about random bits of history and art history that have grabbed me.

My publications include The Shannon Portrait of The Hon. Robert Boyle in On the Boyle No.4 January 2001, catalogue entries for The Stuart Portrait Status and Legacy (ed. Prof. Edward Chaney and Godfrey Worsdale, Southampton City Museum and Art Gallery 2001) and contributions on British portraiture to The Affordable Face the annual catalogue of Steigrad Fine Art, New York.

8 thoughts on “About

  1. Hello James,
    We are two members of the Plymouth University of the Third Age (U3A) Looking at Art Group and are putting together A lunchtime talk and PowerPoint Presentation on Women Artists of the 16th- 19th centuries.
    We were delighted to discover your web site when were made aware the Sir Joshua Reynolds sister Frances with whom he lived in Devonport after leaving London and Thomas Hudson was also a painter, poet and writer in her own right. This was something unknown to us!. The talk will take place in front of the newly acquired Sir Joshua Reynolds self Portrait c.1746 that he painted to display in his Devonport shop window at that time and we will pass on just what he thought about her efforts!
    Thank you for giving us a greater insight to this much maligned woman!

    Also I am running a tour, for our group in May to Cheltenham and Bristol Art Galleries and we shall ask to see if possible Frances’s painting of Hannah More, ‘her masterpiece’ it certainly looks on your website.
    with many thanks,
    Viv Andrews and Anna Walker

    1. Thank you both very much. It is my pleasure. I’m so glad you liked the post – Frances Reynolds was a remarkable woman. It was fascinating to explore her life, which was new ground to me too. I hope that your talk goes well, and that you are able to see the portrait of Hannah More. I’m glad you’ll be able to introduce Frances and her work to a wider audience. Thank you so much again for your comment. Very best wishes, James

  2. Hi Jame
    I have 2 large copies of the Complete Works of Shakespeare, Imperial Edition edited by Charles Knight. My Mum got them from a jumble sake in Buckinghamshire in 1970’s for £2!! Inside we found an old pic of a man reading 2 large books with Gainsborough written on the back in pencil. Can I send them to you? Would love to find out who it is.

  3. The Duke of Cumberland’s military draughtsman in 1745 was George Augustus Schultz, who died in 1749, according to the Royal Collection’s archives. I would very much like to find out more about him, including when and where he died and the cause of death. I am an art historian, among other things.

      1. Thank you, James, for replying. Not to worry about delay. At the moment, I can’t say if George Augustus Schultz is related to the Augustus Schutz, a courtier at Hanover.

      2. Stephen, I beg your pardon I’m reading without my glasses and giving you duff gen.

        George Augustus Schultz the Duke’s cartographer is recorded as just ‘Schultz d.1749’ in the 2014 Queen’s Gallery exhibition, so you’ve advanced things considerably finding his Christian names. Hanover might be the place to try. J

      3. Hello James. Thanks. Yes, agreed that he is just referred to in the 2014 catalogue as “Schultz”. The name is attributed only to certain maps at Windsor on grounds of style. So whoever catalogued those maps originally must have had additional information now lost to be able to base attribution on style. Thanks also for the suggestion to try Hanover. I will look into it next year. Regards, Stephen

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